Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung (IFKW)




Publikationen Januar bis März 2021

IfKW Publikationsmeldungen 2021, Januar – März 2021

Baugut, P. (2021). Advocating for minority inclusion. How reporters on antisemitism conceive and enact their role. Journalism Studies. Advance online publication.

Baugut, P. (2021). Perceptions of minority discrimination. Perspectives of Jews living in Germany on news media coverage. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. Advance online publication

Baugut, P., & Scherr, S. (2021). The news expectation predicament: Comparing and explaining what audiences expect from the roles and reporting practices of reporters on right-wing extremism. Journalism. Advance online publication.

Bouko, C., Naderer, B., Rieger, D., Van Ostaeyen, P., & Voué, P. (2021). Discourse patterns used by extremist Salafists on Facebook: identifying potential triggers to cognitive biases in radicalized content. Critical Discourse Studies, 1-22.

De Jans, S., Spielvogel, I., Naderer, B., & Hudders, L. (2021). Digital Food Marketing to Children: How an Influencer’s Lifestyle Can Stimulate Healthy Food Choices among Children. Appetite, 105182.

Dienlin, T., Johannes, N., Bowman, N. D., Masur, P. K., Engesser, S., Kümpel, A. S., Lukito, J., Bier, L. M., Zhang, R., Johnson, B. K., Huskey, R., Schneider, F. M., Breuer, J., Parry, D. A., Vermeulen, I., Fisher, J. T., Banks, J., Weber, R., Ellis, D. A., Smits, T., Ivory, J. D., Trepte, S., McEwan, B., Rinke, E. M., Neubaum, G., Winter, S., Carpenter, C. J., Krämer, N. C., Utz, S., Unkel, J., Wang, X., Davidson, B. I., Kim, N., Won, A. S., Domahidi, E., Lewis, N. A., & de Vreese, C. (2021). An agenda for open science in Communication. Journal of Communication, 71(1), 1–26. doi: 10.1093/joc/jqz052

Frischlich, L. & Humprecht, E. (2021). Trust, democratic resilience, and the infodemic. Policy Paper Series by the Israel Public Policy Institute: “Facing up to the Infodemic: Promoting a Fact-Based Public Discourse in Times of Crisis”. Available online

Frischlich, L., Schatto-Eckrodt, T., Boberg, S., & Wintterlin, F. (2021). Roots of incivility. How personality, media use, and online experiences shape uncivil participation. Media and Communication, 9 (1). 195-208.

Fröhlich, R. (2021). Grußwort. In J. Althaller & M. Leopold (Hrsg.), Aufbruch in die digitale Dimension. Wie zehn Jahre Social Media die Businesskommunikation verändert haben (S. 7-9). München: Redline.

Geise, S., Klinger, U., Magin, M., Müller, K. F., Nitsch, C., Riesmeyer, C., Rothenberger, L., Schumann, C., Sehl, A., Wallner, C., & Zillich, A. F. (2021). Wie normativ ist die Kommunikationswissenschaft? Ein inhaltsanalytischer Vergleich deutscher und internationaler Fachzeitschriftenaufsätze. Publizistik, Online First.

Gordeeva, D., & Tröger, M. (2020). On the Construction of Socialist East Germany in Contemporary German Film. In: Funes. Journal of Narratives and Social Sciences, 4, 140-155.

Karnowski, V., Leiner, D. J., Kümpel, A. S. & Leonhard, L. (2021). Worth to share? How content characteristics and article competitiveness influence news sharing on social network sites. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 98(1), 59-82. doi: 10.1177/1077699020940340

Klimmt, C. & Rieger, D. (2021). Biographic resonance theory of eudaimonic media entertainment. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory (pp. 383-402). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Kobilke, L., Markiewitz, A. (2021). The Momo Challenge: Measuring the extent to which YouTube portrays harmful and helpful depictions of a suicide game. SN Soc Sci, 86(1). doi: 10.1007/s43545-021-00065-1

Naderer, B. (2021). Advertising Unhealthy Food to Children: on the Importance of Regulations, Parenting Styles, and Media Literacy. Current Addiction Reports, 8, 12-18.

Naderer, B., Matthes, J., & Bintinger, S. (2021). It is just a spoof: spoof placements and their impact on conceptual persuasion knowledge, brand memory, and brand evaluation. International Journal of Advertising, 40(1), 106-123.

Peter, C. & Brosius, H.-B. (2021). Die Rolle der Medien bei Entstehung, Verlauf und Bewältigung von Essstörungen [The role of the media in the development, course, and management of eating disorders]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 64, 55-61.

Reinecke, L. & Rieger, D. (2021). Media entertainment as a self-regulatory resource: The recovery and resilience in entertaining media use (R²EM) Model. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory (pp. 755-780). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Riesmeyer, C., Pohl, E., & Ruf, L. (2021). Stressed, but connected. Adolescents, their perceptions of and coping with peer pressure on Instagram. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung.

Riesmeyer, C., Sawatzki, P., & Hagleitner, A. (2021). The visual self. The connection between adolescents’ self-presentation on Instagram and their ability to recognize and evaluate advertising content. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung.

Spielvogel, I., Naderer, B., & Matthes, J. (2021). Disclosing product placement in audiovisual media services: a practical and scientific perspective on the implementation of disclosures across the European Union. International Journal of Advertising, 40(1), 5-25.

Spielvogel, I., Naderer, B., Binder, A., & Matthes, J. (2021). The forbidden reward. The emergence of parent-child conflicts about food over time and the influence of parents' communication strategies and feeding practices. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 604702.

Tröger, M. (2021). Monopolizing the Democratic Dream. The Struggle over a Free Press in East Germany 1989/1990. In: International Journal of Communication, 15, 982-999.

Tröger, M. (2020). On Unregulated Markets and the Freedom of Media: The Transition of the East German Press after 1989. DGPuK-Preisbeitrag. In: Medien & Zeit, 02/2020, 6-10.

Tröger, M. (2020). Das mediale Erbe der Treuhand. Moehrle, R. (Hrsg.). Umbrüche und Kontinuitäten in der deutschsprachigen Presse. Fallstudien zu Medienakteuren von 1945 bis heute. Gutenberg: Computus Verlag, 113-122.

Unkel, J. (2021). Measuring selective exposure in mock website experiments: A simple, free, and open-source solution. Communication Methods and Measures, 25(1), 1–16. doi: 10.1080/19312458.2019.1708284

Wiedemann, T. (2020). Struggling for legitimate meaning: Agent-structure dynamics in German filmmaking. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 16(3), 291-308.

Wilczek, B., Stanoevska-Slabeva, K., Köttering, K., & Meckel, M. (2021). Un-locking strategic lock-ins of local media: An investigation of local media’s preferences towards public support for strategic innovation. Digital Journalism. Advance online publication.

Wintterlin, F., Frischlich, L., Boberg, S., Schatto-Eckrodt, T., Reer, F., & Quandt, T. (2021). Corrective actions in the information disorder. The role of presumed media influence and hostile media perceptions for the countering of distorted user-generated content. Political Communication, advanced online publication.

Wulf, T., Schneider, F. M., & Queck, J. (2021). Exploring Viewers' Experiences of Parasocial Interactions with Videogame Streamers on Twitch. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Online First.
