Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung (IFKW)




Publikationen Juli bis September 2021

IfKW Publikationsmeldungen 2021, Juli - September 2021

Berner, N. (2021). Motherhood in Transition – Who Cares? Eine qualitative Analyse medialer Anerkennungsstrukturen von Mutterschaft und Care-Arbeit In N. S. Borchers, S. Güney, U. Krüger & K. Schamberger (Hrsg.), Transformation der Medien - Medien der Transformation. Verhandlungen des Netzwerks Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft (S. 226 -242). Frankfurt/Main: Westend.

Binder, A., Naderer, B., & Matthes, J. (2021). Shaping Healthy Eating Habits in Children with Persuasive Strategies: Toward a Typology. Frontiers in Public Health, 1257.

Dan, V., & Brosius, H.-B. (2021). The Onset of Habituation Effects: Predicting Fluctuations in News Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Disease Occurrence. European Journal of Health Communication, 2(4).

Dan, V., Paris, B., Donovan, J., Hameleers, M., Roozenbeek, J., van der Linden, S., & von Sikorski, C. (2021). Visual Mis- and Disinformation, Social Media, and Democracy. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 98(3), 641-664.

Dan, V., & Pauer, C. (2021). Empowered, Handmaid, or Rejector? The Framing of Low Libido in Women according to Scholarly Investigations of Public Communication. Health Communication, 1-9.

Dan, V., & Rauter, D. (2021). Explanatory Reporting in Video Format: Contrasting Perceptions to Those of Conventional News. Journalism Practice, 1-22.

Fawzi, N, & Krämer, B. (2021). The media as part of a detached elite? Exploring anti-media populism among citizens and its relation to political populism. International Journal of Communication, 15, 3292–3314.

Fawzi, N., Steindl, N., Obermaier, M., Prochazka, F., Arlt, D., Blöbaum, B., Dohle, M., Engelke, K. M., Hanitzsch, T., Jackob, N., Jakobs, I., Klawier, T., Post, S., Reinemann, C., Schweiger, W., & Ziegele, M. (2021). Concepts, Causes and Consequences of Trust in News Media – A Literature Review and Framework. Annals of the International Communication Association, 45, 154-174. DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2021.1960181.

Fenoll, V., Haßler, J., Magin, M. & Russmann, U. (2021). Campaigning for Strasbourg on Facebook: Introduction to a 12-country comparison on parties' Facebook campaigns in the 2019 European parliament election. In J. Haßler, M. Magin, U. Russmann & V. Fenoll (Hrsg.), Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election (S. 3–21). Palgrave Macmillan.

Gentzel, P., Kannengießer, S., Wallner, C., & Wimmer, J. (2021): Editorial: Kritik an, in und durch Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. In: diess. (Hrsg.), SCM Studies in Communication and Media Sonderheft. 10(2), S. 131-145.

Gentzel, P., Kannengießer, S., Wallner, C., & Wimmer, J. (Hrsg.) (2021): Kritik an, in und durch Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. SCM Studies in Communication and Media Sonderheft 10(2).

Haßler, J., Kümpel, A. S. & Keller, J. (2021). Instagram and political campaigning in the 2017 German federal election. A quantitative content analysis of German top politicians’ and parliamentary parties’ posts. Information, Communication & Society, online first, 1–21.

Haßler, J., Wurst, A.-K., Jungblut, M. & Schlosser, K. (2021). Influence of the pandemic lockdown on Fridays for Future’s hashtag activism. New Media & Society, online first, 1-23.

Haßler, J., Magin, M., Russmann, U. & Fenoll, V. (Hrsg.). (2021). Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election. Palgrave Macmillan.

Haßler, J., Wurst, A.-K. & Schlosser, K. (2021). Analysing European parliament election campaigns across 12 countries: A computer-enhanced content analysis approach. In J. Haßler, M. Magin, U. Russmann & V. Fenoll (Hrsg.), Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election (S. 41–52). Palgrave Macmillan.

Kemmesies, U., Wetzels, P., Austin, B., Dessecker, A., Grande, E., Kusche, I. & Rieger, D. (Hrsg.) (2021). MOTRA-Monitor 2020.

Krämer, B., Fernholz, T., Husung, T., Meusel, J. & Voll, M. (2021). Right-wing populism as a worldview and online practice: Social media communication by ordinary citizens between ideology and lifestyles. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 8, 3, 235-264.

Kühn, J., & Riesmeyer, C. (2021). Brand Endorsers with Role Model Function - Social Media Influencers’ Self-Perception and Advertising Literacy. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung, 43(Advertising Literacy), 67–96.

Lauerer, C. (2021). Zaungespräche statt Brandschutzmauer. Die Beziehung von Werbung & Journalismus in Verlagen. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Magin, M., Russmann, U., Fenoll, V. & Haßler, J. (2021). Information greater than mobilisation greater than interaction: Contours of a Pan-European style of social media campaigning. In J. Haßler, M. Magin, U. Russmann & V. Fenoll (Hrsg.), Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election (S. 303–331). Palgrave Macmillan.

Naderer, B., Borchers, N. S., Wendt, R., & Naab, T. (2021). Advertising Literacy: How Can Children and Adolescents Deal with Persuasive Messages in a Complex Media Environment?. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung, 43, i-vi.

Naderer, B., Matthes, J., & Schäfer, S. (2021). Effects of disclosing ads on Instagram: the moderating impact of similarity to the influencer. International Journal of Advertising, 40(5), 686-707.

Naderer, B., Peter, C., & Karsay, K. (2021). This picture does not portray reality: developing and testing a disclaimer for digitally enhanced pictures on social media appropriate for Austrian tweens and teens, Journal of Children & Media, Advance Online Publication.

Obermaier, M., Schmuck, D., & Saleem, M. (2021). I’ll be there for you? Effects of Islamophobic online hate speech and counter speech on Muslim in-group bystanders’ intention to intervene. New Media & Society, Online first.

Obermaier, M., Steindl, N., & Fawzi, N. (2021). Independent or a Political Pawn? Comparing Recipients Perceived Influences on Journalistic Work Compared to Journalists and What explains their Perception. Journalism. Online first: DOI: 10.1177/14648849211034359.

Rieger, D., Schulze, H., Hohner, J., & Greipl, S. (2021) Wie das Internet Radikalisierungsprozesse fördert. In U. Kemmesies, P. Wetzels, B. Austin, A. Dessecker, E. Grande, I. Kusche, & D. Rieger (Hrsg.). MOTRA-Monitor 2020 (S. 206 – 239).

Russmann, U., Haßler, J., Fenoll, V. & Magin, M. (2021). Social media as a campaigning tool in elections: Theoretical considerations and state of research. In J. Haßler, M. Magin, U. Russmann & V. Fenoll (Hrsg.), Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election (S. 23–39). Palgrave Macmillan.

Schlosser, K., Wurst, A.-K., Haßler, J. & Kruschinski, S. (2021). European issues, but national campaigning of German parties. In J. Haßler, M. Magin, U. Russmann & V. Fenoll (Hrsg.), Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election (S. 103–117). Palgrave Macmillan.

Schmitt, J. B., Breuer, J. B., & Wulf, T. (2021). From cognitive overload to digital detox: Psychological implications of telework during the COVID-19 pandemic. Computers in Human Behavior, Online First.

Stalph, F., & Heravi B. (2021). Exploring Data Visualisations: An Analytical Framework Based on Dimensional Components of Data Artefacts in Journalism. Digital Journalism, Online First.

Welbers, K., van Atteveldt, W., Althaus, S., Bajjalieh, J., Shalmon, D., Joshi, P., Wessler, H., Chan, C.H., & Jungblut, M. (2021). Linking event archives to news: A computational method for analyzing the gatekeeping process. Communication Methods and Measures. Advanced Online Publication.

Wessler, H., Althaus, S., Chan, C.H., Jungblut, M., Welbers, K., & van Atteveldt, W. (2021). Multiperspectival normative assessment: the case of mediated reactions to terrorism. Communication Theory. Advanced Online Publication.

Wiedemann, T. (2021). Filmförderung als Transformationsbremse. Die politische Gestaltung der Kinospielfilmproduktion in Deutschland. In N. S. Borchers, S. Güney, U. Krüger & K. Schamberger (Hrsg.), Transformation der Medien - Medien der Transformation. Verhandlungen des Netzwerks Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft (S. 381-397). Frankfurt/Main: Westend.

Wilczek, B., & Thurman, N. (2021). Contagious accuracy norm violation in political journalism: A cross-national investigation of how news media publish inaccurate political information. Journalism. Online first:

Wurst, A.-K., Schlosser, K. & Haßler, J. (2021). European party groups: Transnational continuation or complement of European national parties? In J. Haßler, M. Magin, U. Russmann & V. Fenoll (Hrsg.), Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election (S. 251–265). Palgrave Macmillan.

Zerback, T., Reinemann, C., & Barnfield, M. (2021). Total recall? Examining the accuracy of poll recall during an election campaign. Mass Communication and Society. Online first:
