Publikationen Januar bis März 2024
Bartsch, A., Mares, M.-L., Schindler, J., Kühn, J., & Krack, I. (2024). Trust but verify? A social epistemology framework of knowledge acquisition and verification practices for fictional entertainment. Human Communication Research, 50(2), 194-207.
Berlekamp, M., Reifegerste, D., Temmann, L. J. (2024). Effects of Health Responsibility Frames on Attributions, Emotions, and Social Support Intentions in the Context of Dementias. Health Communication. Online First Publication.
Bogdanovich, E., Brenning, A., Reichstein, M., De Polt, K., Guenther, L., Frank, D. & Orth, R. (2023). Official heat warnings miss situations with a detectable societal heat response in European countries. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Online First Publication.
Eder, M. (2024). From Questionable Incident to Political Scandal: The Ibiza Affair’s Scandalization on Twitter. Media Studies, 14(28), 49-69.
Forster, F., Ermel, L., Riesmeyer, C., Jung, R., Lüthy, K., Wullinger, P., & Weinmann, T. (2024). Knowledge, risk perception and information needs of general practitioners regarding potential health effects of electromagnetic fields: A scoping review of the scientific literature. Radioprotection, 59(1), 55-64.
Fröhlich, R. (2024). Tätigkeitsprofile und Professionalisierungsprozesse im Berufsfeld Public Relations. In P. Szyska, R. Fröhlich, & U. Röttger (Hrsg.), Handbuch Public Relations. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen des beruflichen Handelns (4. grundlegend überarbeitete und erheblich erweiterte Auflage). Springer VS. Online first 9. März 2024.
Gordeeva, D. (2024). Geschichte im Computerspiel. Eine machtkritische Analyse von Historienspielen am Beispiel von Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. In T. Spies, Ş. Kurt, & H. Pötzsch (Hrsg.), Spiel*Kritik. Kritische Perspektiven auf Videospiele im Kapitalismus (S. 69-86). Transcript.
Guenther, L., Ibrahim, Y., Lüdemann, J., O´Brian, C., Pavenstädt, C., Sievert, J., Brüggemann, M., Rödder, S., & Schnegg, M. (2024). Social constructions of climate futures: Reframing science’s harmful impact frame across news media, social movements, and local communities. Environmental Communication. Online First Publication.
Guenther, L., Schröder, J. T., & Tratter, A. (2024). Copy and paste: churnalism in science journalism. In F. Mellor (ed.), Insights on science journalism (pp. 73–88). Routledge.
Hanitzsch, T., Markiewitz, A., & Bødker, H. (2024). Publish and perish: mental health among communication and media scholars. Journal of Communication.
Hohner, J., Kakavand, A., & Rothut, S. (2024). Analyzing Radical Visuals at Scale: How Far-Right Groups Mobilize on TikTok. Journal of Digital Social Research, 6(1), 10-30.
Jungblut, M., Althaus, S., Bajjaliehb, J., Chan, C. H., Welbers, K., van Atteveldtd, W., & Wessler, H. (2024). How shared ties and journalistic cultures shape global news coverage of disruptive media events: The case of the 9/11 terror attacks. Journal of Communication. Advanced Online Publication.
TeBlunthuis, N., Hase, V., & Chan, C. H. (2024). Misclassification in Automated Content Analysis Causes Bias in Regression. Can We Fix It? Yes We Can! Communication Methods and Measures. Online First Publikation.
Krämer, B. & Lauber, A. (2024). How we use social media: Strategies of Instagram use. Online verfügbar unter
Markiewitz, A. (2024). Zwischen Information und Sensation. Zur Darstellung von Suizid und Suizidalität in deutschen Tagsezeitungen. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Reinemann, C., Maurer, M., Kruschinski, S., & Jost, P. (2024). The Quality of COVID-19 Coverage: Investigating Relevance and Viewpoint Diversity in German Mainstream and Alternative Media. Journalism Studies, Online First.
Rick, J. & Lauerer, C. (2024). Prekarierinnen? Geschlechterspezifische Unterschiede prekärer Arbeit im Journalismus. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft (M&K), 72 (1): 3-20.
Rick, J. (2024). Acutely precarious? Detecting objective precarity in journalism. Digital Journalism, Online First.
Rothut, S., Schulze, H., Rieger, D., & Naderer, B. (2024). Mainstreaming as a meta-process: A systematic review and conceptual model of factors contributing to the mainstreaming of radical and extremist positions, Communication Theory, Online First.
Sauter, S., & Jungblut, M. (2024). It’s good for our reputation (?!). The impact of socio-political CEO communication on corporate reputation. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 18(1), 19-37.
Schmid, U. K., Schulze, H., & Drexel, A. (2024). Memes, humor, and the far right’s strategic mainstreaming. Information, Communication & Society. Online First Publication.
Schmid, U. K., Obermaier, M., & Rieger, D. (2024). Who cares? How personal political characteristics are related to online counteractions against hate speech. Human Communication Research. Online First Publication.
Schröder, J. T., & Guenther, L. (2024). Science and health journalism in the digital age and its implications on public trust. In K. Walsh-Childers, & M. McKinnon (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Health and Science Journalism (pp. 421–438). Palgrave Macmillan.
Szyszka, P., Fröhlich, R., Röttger, U. (2024). Die Differenz der Einheit. Anmerkungen zur vierten Auflage. In P. Szyska, R. Fröhlich, & U. Röttger (Hrsg.), Handbuch Public Relations. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen des beruflichen Handelns (4. grundlegend überarbeitete und erheblich erweiterte Auflage). Springer VS. Online first 9. März 2014.