Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung (IFKW)




Publikationen Juli bis September 2019

Brosius, H.-B. & Haim, M. (2019). Agenda-Setting in der Onlinewelt. Empirische Befunde in einem dynamischen Forschungsfeld. In Tobias Eberwein & Corinna Wenzel (Hrsg.), Changing Media – changing democracy. Medienwandel – Wandel der Demokratie. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, S. 33-52.

Brosius, H.-B. (2019). Kommunikationswissenschaft. In Staatslexikon Recht – Wirtschaft – Gesellschaft (Band 3, 8. Auflage). Freiburg: Herder, S. 941-944.
Ceron, A., Splendore, S., Hanitzsch, T., & Thurman, N. (2019) Journalists and Editors: Political Proximity as Determinant of Career and Autonomy. The International Journal of Press/Politics. Advance Online Publication.

Hanitzsch, T. (2019). Comparative Journalism Research. In: K. Wahl-Jorgensen & T. Hanitzsch (eds.), The Handbook of Journalism Studies: Second Edition (pp. 506-521). New York: Routledge.

Hanitzsch, T. (2019). Comparative Journalism Research. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.790.

Hanitzsch, T. & Örnebring, H. (2019). Professionalism, Professional Identity and Journalistic Roles. In: K. Wahl-Jorgensen & T. Hanitzsch (eds.), The Handbook of Journalism Studies: Second Edition (pp. 105-122). New York: Routledge.

Haßler, J., Maurer, M., & Oschatz, C. (2019). What You See Is What You Know: The Influence of Involvement and Eye Movement on Online Users’ Knowledge Acquisition. International Journal of Communication, 13, 3739–3763. Retrieved from

Krämer, Benjamin & Frey, Felix (2019). Measuring strategies of media use: Methodological approaches and the ‘techno-phenomenological gap’. In Peter, Christina, Naab, Teresa, & Kühne, Rinaldo (Hrsg.), Measuring media use and exposure: Recent developments and challenges (S. 15-37). Köln: Halem.

Kümpel, A. S. (2019). Getting tagged, getting involved with news? A mixed-methods investigation of the effects and motives of news-related tagging activities on social network sites. Journal of Communication, 69(4), 373–395.

Lauerer, C. (2019). Advertising and journalism. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford University Press. doi:

Leonhard, L., Karnowski, V., & Kümpel, A. S. (2019). Online and (the feeling of being) informed: Online news usage patterns and their relation to subjective and objective political knowledge. Computers in Human Behavior. Advance Online Publication.

Menke, M., Kinnebrock, S., Kretzschmar, S., Aichberger, I., Broersma, M., Hummel, R., Kirchhoff, S., Prandner, D., Ribeiro, N., & Salaverría, R. (2019). Insights from a comparative study into convergence culture in European newsrooms. Journalism Practice, 13(8), 946-950. doiI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1642133

Meyen, M. (2019): Medienresilienz und die Stärkung des Journalismus. In: Philipp Müller (Hrsg.): Denken Wissen Handeln. Politik (S. 335-349). Frankfurt am Main: Westend.

Peter, C., Naab, T. K., & Kühne, R. (2019, Hrsg.). Measuring Media Use and Exposure: Recent Developments and Challenges. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Peter, C. (2019). The People’s Voice—The People’s Choice? How Vox Pop Exemplars Shape Audience Judgments as a Function of Populist Attitudes. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. Online first. doi: 10.1177/1077699019852323

Rieger, D. & Klimmt, C. (2019). The daily dose of digital inspiration 2: Themes and affective user responses to meaningful memes in social media. New Media & Society, 21(10), 2201-2221. doi:

Schmitt, J. B., Riesmeyer, C., Ernst, J., Rieger, D., Ninierza, A., Fawzi, N., Reinemann, C., & Roth, H.-J. (2019). Jugendliche und extremistische Propaganda. Praxis der Rechtspsychologie, 29(1), 67-90.

Schneider, J., Schmitt, J. B., Ernst, J. & Rieger, D. (2019). Verschwörungstheorien und Kriminalitätsfurcht in rechtsextremen und islamistischen YouTube-Videos. Praxis der Rechtspsychologie, 29(1), 41-66.

Thurman, N. (2019) Computational Journalism. In Wahl-Jorgensen, K. & T. Hanitzsch (eds.), The Handbook of Journalism Studies, Second Edition (S. 180-195). New York: Routledge.

Wahl-Jorgensen, K. & Hanitzsch, T. (eds.) (2019). The Handbook of Journalism Studies: Second Edition. New York: Routledge.

Wahl-Jorgensen, K. & Hanitzsch, T. (2019). Journalism Studies: Developments, Challenges, and Future Directions. In: K. Wahl-Jorgensen & T. Hanitzsch (eds.), The Handbook of Journalism Studies: Second Edition (pp. 3-20). New York: Routledge.

Wiedemann, T., & Krainhöfer, T. C. (2019). The Berlin International Film Festival: A powerful springboard and gatekeeping mechanism for domestic filmmaking. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, ahead of print. doi:

Wulf, T., Bonus, J. A., & Rieger, D. (2019). The inspired time traveler: Examining the implications of nostalgic entertainment experiences for two-factor models of entertainment. Media Psychology, 22, 795-817. doi: 10.1080/15213269.2018.1532299

Wulf, T., Sedikides, C., & Wildschut, T. (2019). Sehnsucht nach gestern. Gehirn und Geist, 9, 24-28.
