ECREA 2016 in Prag
Auch in diesem Jahr war das IfKW auf der Jahrestagung 2016 der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) zahlreich vertreten. Eine Auflistung der Beiträge finden Sie hier:
Denner, Nora & Peter, Christina: Self-referential reporting in German news coverage – How media refers to the term Lügenpresse
Dugmore, Harry & Hanitzsch, Thomas: Journalism students‘ role orientations and the discursive constituation of a profession: A comparative analysis
Emmerling, Larissa, Geyer, Verena, Pfefferle, Lea, Stange, Julia Fawzi, Nayla, Obermaier, Magdalena & Reinemann, Carsten: “The people” and the media. On the relationship between populist attitudes and media use
Engelmann, Ines, Kloß, Andrea, Brockmann, Tobias & Neuberger, Christoph: Representation, participation, or deliberation? The political discourse about the German Renewable Energy Act on Twitter
Frey, Felix: The experiential mode of reception. Conceptualization of an integrative framework concept
Fröhlich, Romy: The framing of women in strategic communication on war and violent conflict – A reproduction of harmful gender sterotypes? Results from an international large-scale framing analysis
Fröhlich, Romy & Schöller, Clarissa: Steering Disaster – Impact of strategic crisis communication on media coverage after the Germanwings plane crash in 2015
Hanitzsch, Thomas: Introducing the worlds of journalism study
Hörgstetter, Lisa, Schamberger, Kerem, Böres, Beatrice, Bula, Niels, Fawzi, Nayla, Obermaier, Magdalena & Reinemann, Carsten: The media as populists? A quantitative survey on the perception of the Bild-Zeitung as populist actor, political actor and representative and its effect on trust in institutions
Jost, Pablo B. & Peter, Christina: Conceptualizing the uses and effects of user comments from various perspectives
Jungblut, Marc & Fröhlich, Romy: Between factoid and facts. Analyzing excellence in NGO communication
Kapidzic, Sanja, Neuberger, Christoph, Stieglitz, Stefan & Mirbabaie, Milad: The quality of tweets and the adoption of journalistic norms – Results of a large-scale content analysis
Keppeler, Johanna, Krämer, Benjamin, Schindler, Jonathan: Media effects on bystander intervention: The role of exemplification, framing, risk perception, and motivations
Krämer, Benjamin: Populism in and by the media: Six paradoxes of media populism
Krämer, Benjamin & Springer, Nina: “Trolling”: Pathology and ideology. The labeling of deviant online behavior
Lauerer, Corinna, Steindl, Nina, Lohmann, Marie-Isabell & Dingerkus, Filip: Precarious working conditions in journalism? A comparative analysis of the situation in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
Loosen, Wiebke & Neuberger, Christoph: The adjustment of channel repertoires between journalism and its audience
Nuernbergk, Christian: Studying political journalism in a hybrid media environment
Posthumus, Lone, Keppeler, Johanna, Fortkord, Claudia, Fawzi, Nayla, Obermaier, Magdalena & Reinemann, Carsten: Understanding hostility and distrust towards the media. The effects of populist, left- and right-wing attitudes on extreme subjective media theories and its consequences
Thurman, Neil & Monzer, Cristina: Robo-journalism’ goes multimedia: Viewers’ perceptions of computer-generated news video
Zakareviciute, Ieva & Jungblut, Marc: Islamic State’s remediation strategies: Creating propaganda through the words of others