ECREA 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Auch dieses Jahr werden Forscherinnen und Forscher des IfKW ihre Projekte und Forschungsergebnisse auf der European Communication Conference (ECC) der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) vorstellen. Einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Beiträge und Forschungsperspektiven finden Sie hier:
10th ECREA ECC Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia (24-27 September 2024)
Aleman, L., Krämer, B., Lechner, M., Frey, F., & Dorrani, C. (2024, September). It’s not (only) what you use, but how you use it. Exploring strategies of media use across media, situations and social classes. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Baden, C., Bączkowska, A., Balcytiene, A., Jungblut, M., Kligler-Vilenchik, N., Krstic, A., Lipinski, A., & Zelenkauskaite, A., (2024, September). Everybody counts? Re-conceptualizing the aggregation of public opinion dynamics in digital spaces. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Berlekamp, M., Sacher, A.-L., Rossmann, C., Reinemann, C., Neufeind, J., Kranz, L., & Schmid-Küpke, N. (2024, September). Just the right thing to do? Morality in the German media debate around mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Brill, J., Karnowski, V., & Rossmann, C. (2024, September). Ask Google, a doctor or a friend? A diary study on the health information repertoires of Ukrainian refugees in Germany. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Buehling, K., Schulze, H. & Zehring, M. (2024, September). Accessing online communication (dis)order: The COVID-19 protest Telegram dataset 2020-2022. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Eder, M., Pohl, K., & Sehl, A. (2024, September). Reading below the lines: An eye tracking study on user comments and their effect on journalistic quality perception. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Egelhofer, J. L. & Heidenreich, T. (2024, September). Climate change skepticism discourse on TikTok. A visual content analysis. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Egelhofer, J. L. & Tolochko, P. (2024, September). Misrepresentation of scientific uncertainty. Automated analysis of (un)certainty in science communication across disciplines and platforms. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Ermel, L., & Riesmeyer, C. (2024, September). Prototypes of doctor-patient relationship in consultations on negative health effects of electromagnetic fields. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Fawzi, N., Obermaier, M., Dohle, M., Steindl, N., Arlt, D., Schweiger, W., Ziegele, M., Klawier, T., Pohle, H. & Prochazka, F. (2024, September). Exploring young media users’ understanding and origins of media trust. Evidence from qualitative interviews with German adolescents. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Frey, F., Dorrani, C., Krämer, B., Aleman, L., Lechner, M. (2024, September). Everybody's watching their own stream – Using trained introspection and self-observation to explore strategies of media use. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Gopalakrishna Pillai, R., & Wilczek, B. (2024, September). Reinforce negativity or push positivity during crises? Investigating direct and conditional effects of negative and positive sentiments in newspapers´ X/Twitter posts on audience engagement during the Covid pandemic. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Gordeeva, D. (2024, September). Between horror tales and legends of glory: The Soviet Union and the GDR in film. Critical discourse analysis of cinematic narratives about the past. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Grünewald, M., & Lauerer, C. (2024, September). How to enter journalism – Obstacles for Up-and-coming journalists with and without diversity features. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Guenther, L., Schröder, J. T., Reif, A., Brück, J., Taddicken, M., Weingart, P., & Jonas, E. (2024, September). Intermediaries in the limelight: How exposure to trust cues in content about science affects public trust in science. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Hagner, J., Leonhard, L. & Wendt, R. (2024, September). Between adaptation and consistency - The situational context of parental media education strategies. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Haim, M., Knöpfle, P., Breuer, J. (2024, September). Robust and generalizable or complex, costly, and cumbersome? Learnings from a reproduction, a direct, and a conceptual replication. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Hanitzsch, T., & Riedl, A. A. (2024, September). The People at the Margins of Journalism: Peripheral Journalists and their (Semi-)Professional Aspirations in Eight European Countries. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Hrgović, M., Oczoś, A. Contreras, E., Krüger, J., & Nicoletti, J. (2024, September). Who has their back? Organizational support and preventive mechanisms for journalists under threat in Brazil, Cameroon, Croatia, and Mexico. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Jungblut, M. (2024, September). Evaluative standards as basis for comparative analyses of conflict coverage. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Kravets, D., Jungblut, M., & Toepfl, F. (2024, September). Dissecting Russia‘s Propaganda: A Comparative Analysis of Justification Narratives for Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine on RT and NewsFront. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Knorr, C. (2024, September). A map of belonging but having no home. Digital art of creators affected by homelessness. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Kobilke, L., & Markiewitz, A. (2024, September). Sing-alongs, dance battles, and self-harm: exploring the spectrum of social media challenges on TikTok through manual content analysis. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Kühn, J., & Riesmeyer, C. (2024, September). Personal and social norms of adolescents’ visual self-presentation on Instagram and Snapchat. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Lechner, M., Krämer, B., Aleman, L., Dorrani, C., Frey, F. (2024, September). How we navigate through Spotify and what algorithms have to do with it. An exploratory analysis of navigation styles when using algorithmically curated audiovisual content. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Luebke, S. M., Ozornina, N., Haim, M., & Haßler, J. (2024, September). The use of humor styles in memes on climate change. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Luebke, S. M. & Steffan, D. (2024). The antecedents and electoral consequences of voters’ preference for authentic politicians. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Mesquita, L., de-Lima-Santos, M. F., & Nicoletti, J. (2024, September). Collaborative journalism and cross-border collaborations for newsafety: Navigating security and solidarity mechanisms in cooperative practices in Latin American news media. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Reif, A., Guenther, L., & Brüggemann, M. (2024, September). A changing public opinion (on) climate: Results from a longitudinal segmentation study on climate change-related perceptions and communication behaviour in Germany. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Rick, J. (2024, September). “The good ones leave”. Journalists making an exit. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Riedl, A. A., Geiss, S., Jandura, O., Magin, M., & Stark, B. (2024, September). Do Journalists’ Ideologies Translate into Partisan News Reporting? The Limits of Bias and the Limits of Countermechanisms. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Rossmann, C., & Reinhardt, A. (2024, September). Threat, self-protection, or prosocial? The effects of message appeals on young adults’ COVID-19 protection measures. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Schier, F., Sawalha, N., & Rossmann, C. (2024, September). Tweeting through the COVID-19 crisis: A quantitative comparative analysis of crisis communication on Twitter by key public actors in German. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Schmidbauer, E. & Haßler, J. (2024, September). Data donations – Non-response bias and strategies to enhance participation. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Schneiders, P., Riedl, A. A., & Stark, B. (2024, September). Audiences and Algorithmic Diversity: On the Relationship Between News Exposure Diversity and Preferences for News Recommender Systems. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Schröder, J. T., & Guenther, L. (2024, September). Mediating trust in content about science: Assessing trust cues across (digital) media, their contents, sources, and actors’ gender. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Springer, N., and Rick, J. (2024, September). Coping with precarity: Journalists’ strategies to find ease in a professionally vulnerable situation. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Thäsler-Kordonouri, S. (2024, September). Between intentions and perceptions: Unravelling the impact of journalistic post-editing strategies on readers’ liking and comprehensibility perceptions of automated journalism. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Thurman, N., Thäsler-Kordonouri, S., Stalph, F., & Schwertberger, U. (2024, September). Exploring whether and why automation affects the comprehensibility of data-driven news articles. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Thurman, N., Xu, Z., Fehling, O., Berhami, J., Strasser, C., Wilczek, B., & Weigert, M. (2024, September). Effects of newspaper publishers’ paywall strategies on whether online visitors start and finish the subscription journey. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Van Der Stroom, W., von Mirbach, A., Burkhardt. A., Uttenthal, C., Pérez, D., & Dreamer, I. (2024, September). Unraveling social and communication disorder in Western Democracies through Piketty and Bourdieu. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
von Mirbach, A., Barbier, L., Styn, K., Premnath. K, Valenzuela, N., Nieland, J. U., Galantseva, U., Rothof, D., Valencia, D., & Contreras, E. (2024, September). Towards a communication history of the Women's World Cup. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Wendt, R., Naderer, B., Leonhard, L. & Hagner, J. (2024, September). Buzz worded but not researched? A Systematic Literature Review on Media Literacy and Online Hate. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Wurst, A.-K. & Haßler, J. (2024, September). Convince and mobilize: The informational context of political parties' mobilization attempts on social media. Paper to be presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.