Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung (IFKW)




ECREA 2014 in Lissabon

Auf der diesjährigen Jahrestagung der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) war erneut eine Vielzahl von Mitarbeitern sowie eine Studentin des IfKW vertreten. Eine Auflistung der Vorträge finden Sie hier:

Baden, Christian & Springer, Nina: Conflict Coverage as Guidance or Resource: Interpretative Autonomy and Constrained Diversity in News User Reconstructions of the War in Libya

Baudisch, Sabine, Fröhlich, Romy & Schöller, Clarissa: Food (Safety) Scandals and the Media: A Survey of Journalists on Informative Processes Behind the Scene

Birkner, Thomas & Engesser, Sven: Five Meta-Cycles of Life: The Evolution of Participatory News Media from 1790 to 2020

Brueggemann, Michael, Goetzenbrucker, Gerit, Hanitzsch, Thomas, Keel, Guido & Schacht, Laura: Diverging Worlds of Foreign Correspondence: A Profession Between Continuity and Change. Evidence from the German-Language Countries

Fawzi, Nayla: Information Source and Policy-Instrument - Mass Media's Functions for Political Elites

Fiedler, Anke & Meyen, Michael: Mouthpiece of the Communist Youth Organization, Propaganda Vehicle, or Just the People's Favorite? The History of the GDR's Circulation Champion "Junge Welt"

Friedrich, Katja & Nitsch, Cordula: Vote Instyle! Effects of Celebrity Endorsement in the European Election 2014

Fröhlich, Romy, Baden, Christian, Berganza, Rosa, Dimitrakopoulou, Dimitra, Frère, Marie-Soleil, Hanitzsch, Thomas, Meyer, Christoph, Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Keren, Terzis, Georgios, Trpevska, Snezana & Wolfsfeld, Gadi: Informing Conflict Prevention, Response & Resolution: The Infocore Consortium's Approach to Production and Dissemination of News in Violent Conflict

Hoxha, Abit: Changing Role of Journalists in Post-Conflict Society

Kapidzic, Sanja, Neuberger, Christoph, Stieglitz, Stefan & Brockmann, Tobias: Public Discourse on Twitter: A Content and Network Analysis of Communication on the NSA-Scandal in Germany

Karidi, Maria & Meyen, Michael: Mass Media Logic on the Shift. A Chronological Analysis of German Newspapers

Keppeler, Johanna & Müller, Philipp: Design Follows Politics? The Visualization of Political Orientation in the Page Layout of German Newspapers

Koch, Thomas, Obermaier, Magdalena & Riesmeyer, Claudia: Friend or Foe or In-Between? A Quantitative Survey on the Relationship Between Journalists and Public Relations Practitioners in Germany

Lauerer, Corinna & Hanitzsch, Thomas: Towards a Transnational Journalism Ideology? Mapping Universals in Journalists' Professional Roles Across Countries

Nienierza, Angela: Total Meltdown of Attitude? Media Framing of Nuclear Energy After Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima (2011)

Obermaier, Magdalena, Koch, Thomas & Baden, Christian: Everybody Follows the Crowd? Effects of Opinion Polls and Past Election Results on Electoral Preferences

Pentzold, Christian & Lohmeier, Christine: Platform Memory and Social Forgetting in Wikipedia

Riesmeyer, Claudia & Fawzi, Nayla: Learning by Doing - "Myself" as Mediation Authority for Media Literacy

Schöller, Clarissa: Management Consulting or Extended Workbench? An Examination of Public Relations Professionals' Work

Springer, Nina & Krämer, Benjamin: Representations of conflict online: Theoretical considerations and an empirical typology

Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Keren & Hanitzsch, Thomas: Beyond Peace Journalism: Reclassifying Conflict News Narratives

Welker, Martin, Kaun, Anne & Kloß, Andrea: Citizen Journalism as an Amplifier for Democracy? Two Case Studies from Rural Germany

Wiedemann, Thomas: A Counterbalance to Hollywood? Discursive Practice in Today's German Cinema

Zerback, Thomas & Peter, Christina: Reflection or Persuasive Press? Testing Two Alternative Explanations for Media Induced Public Opinion Perceptions

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Andrea Kloß
