ICA 2013 in London
Auch in diesem Jahr waren die Mitarbeiter des IfKW mit einer Vielzahl von Vorträgen auf der Jahrestagung 2013 der International Communication Association sowie ihren Pre- und Postconferences vertreten. Eine Auflistung der insgesamt 25 Vorträge finden sie hier:
Main conference:
Baden, Christian & Schultz Friederike (2013). Institutional Justification of Frames: The Role of Social Institutions for Legitimizing and Stabilizing Re-Emerging Meaning in Crises
Engelmann, Ines: News Values in Organizational Contexts and in the Journalistic News Selection Process
Fiedler, Anke: Print Journalism in Sudan After Separation: Writing Despite Official Constraints
Geise, Stephanie & Baden, Christian: Putting the Image Back Into the Frame: Modeling the Linkage Between Visual Communication and Frame-Processing Theory
Graefe, Andreas: Accuracy of Vote Expectation Surveys in Forecasting Elections
Graefe, Andreas: Issue and Leader Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections
Graefe, Andreas & Haas, Alexander: The Value of Aggregate Online Search Behavior for Forecasting and Decision-Making
Koch, Thomas & Zerback, Thomas: The Repetition Paradox: Why the Repetition of a Statement Both Increases and Decreases its Credibility
Koch, Thomas, Peter, Christina, & Obermaier, Magdalena: Never Trust an Optimist! Effects of Valence-Framing on Message and Source Credibility
Kümpel, Anna, Springer, Nina & Ludolph, Ramona: New Opportunities to Revive an Old Relationship: Reader-Newsroom-Interaction on Online News Sites
Meyen, Michael: Medialization of Soccer: How TV Changed Our Favorite Sport
Müller, Philipp: “We Are Better Than the Others”: Bias in Intergroup Social Comparisons Within Media Coverage
Obermaier, Magdalena & Koch, Thomas: Mind the Gap. Consequences of Interrole Conflicts of Freelance Journalists With Secondary Employment in the Field of PR
Peter, Christina & Brosius, Hans-Bernd: If You Want it to Count, Make it Visual? Effects of Poll Results and Exemplars on People’s Judgments on Political Issues
Peter, Christina & Fahr, Andreas: Mirror, Mirror on the (Digital) Wall: Social Comparison in Social Networks and the Effects on Self-Concept and Mood
Reinemann, Carsten, Stanyer, James, Scherr, Sebastian, Legnante, Guido: From Hard to Soft News
Wendelin, Manuel & Neubarth, Julia: Extended Agenda-Setting in the Era of the Internet
Preconference: New Histories of Communication Study
Löblich, Maria & Averbeck-Lietz, Stefanie: The Flow of Ideas: A Transnational Approach to the History of Communication Science Based on Histoire Croisée
Meyen, Michael: IAMCR on the East-West Battlefield
Wendelin, Manuel: History of the Public Sphere Concept and Media Change
Wiedemann, Thomas: Practical Orientation as a Survival Strategy: The Invention of the German Publizistikwissenschaft by Walter Hagemann
Preconference: 10 Years On: Looking Forwards in Mobile ICT Research
Karnowski, Veronika & von Pape, Thilo: Before and after the smartphone revolution – A trend study on mobile phone appropriation, 2006 to 2011.
Riesmeyer, Claudia & Pfaff-Rüdiger, Senta: Mobile communication, media literacy and mediation authorities.
Preconference: Global Communications and National Policies: The Return of the State?
Wallner, Cornelia: Harmonization and Autonomy of Media Policy Within the European Union
Postconference: Bridging the Quantitative-Qualitative Divide in Comparative Communication Research: Heading towards Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
Downey John, Hanitzsch, Thomas, & Stanyer, James: What Influences News Work across 18 Societies? A Comparison between fsQCA and Conventional Correlational Techniques