Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung (IFKW)




ICA 2013 in London

Auch in diesem Jahr waren die Mitarbeiter des IfKW mit einer Vielzahl von Vorträgen auf der Jahrestagung 2013 der International Communication Association sowie ihren Pre- und Postconferences vertreten. Eine Auflistung der insgesamt 25 Vorträge finden sie hier:

Main conference:

Baden, Christian & Schultz Friederike (2013). Institutional Justification of Frames: The Role of Social Institutions for Legitimizing and Stabilizing Re-Emerging Meaning in Crises

Engelmann, Ines: News Values in Organizational Contexts and in the Journalistic News Selection Process

Fiedler, Anke: Print Journalism in Sudan After Separation: Writing Despite Official Constraints

Geise, Stephanie & Baden, Christian: Putting the Image Back Into the Frame: Modeling the Linkage Between Visual Communication and Frame-Processing Theory

Graefe, Andreas: Accuracy of Vote Expectation Surveys in Forecasting Elections

Graefe, Andreas: Issue and Leader Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections

Graefe, Andreas & Haas, Alexander: The Value of Aggregate Online Search Behavior for Forecasting and Decision-Making

Koch, Thomas & Zerback, Thomas: The Repetition Paradox: Why the Repetition of a Statement Both Increases and Decreases its Credibility

Koch, Thomas, Peter, Christina, & Obermaier, Magdalena: Never Trust an Optimist! Effects of Valence-Framing on Message and Source Credibility

Kümpel, Anna, Springer, Nina & Ludolph, Ramona: New Opportunities to Revive an Old Relationship: Reader-Newsroom-Interaction on Online News Sites

Meyen, Michael: Medialization of Soccer: How TV Changed Our Favorite Sport

Müller, Philipp: “We Are Better Than the Others”: Bias in Intergroup Social Comparisons Within Media Coverage

Obermaier, Magdalena & Koch, Thomas: Mind the Gap. Consequences of Interrole Conflicts of Freelance Journalists With Secondary Employment in the Field of PR

Peter, Christina & Brosius, Hans-Bernd: If You Want it to Count, Make it Visual? Effects of Poll Results and Exemplars on People’s Judgments on Political Issues

Peter, Christina & Fahr, Andreas: Mirror, Mirror on the (Digital) Wall: Social Comparison in Social Networks and the Effects on Self-Concept and Mood

Reinemann, Carsten, Stanyer, James, Scherr, Sebastian, Legnante, Guido: From Hard to Soft News

Wendelin, Manuel & Neubarth, Julia: Extended Agenda-Setting in the Era of the Internet

Preconference: New Histories of Communication Study

Löblich, Maria & Averbeck-Lietz, Stefanie: The Flow of Ideas: A Transnational Approach to the History of Communication Science Based on Histoire Croisée

Meyen, Michael: IAMCR on the East-West Battlefield

Wendelin, Manuel: History of the Public Sphere Concept and Media Change

Wiedemann, Thomas: Practical Orientation as a Survival Strategy: The Invention of the German Publizistikwissenschaft by Walter Hagemann

Preconference: 10 Years On: Looking Forwards in Mobile ICT Research

Karnowski, Veronika & von Pape, Thilo: Before and after the smartphone revolution – A trend study on mobile phone appropriation, 2006 to 2011.

Riesmeyer, Claudia & Pfaff-Rüdiger, Senta: Mobile communication, media literacy and mediation authorities.

Preconference: Global Communications and National Policies: The Return of the State?

Wallner, Cornelia: Harmonization and Autonomy of Media Policy Within the European Union

Postconference: Bridging the Quantitative-Qualitative Divide in Comparative Communication Research: Heading towards Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

Downey John, Hanitzsch, Thomas, & Stanyer, James: What Influences News Work across 18 Societies? A Comparison between fsQCA and Conventional Correlational Techniques


Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Veronika Karnowski
