Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung (IFKW)




ICA 2015 in San Juan

Main conference:

Arendt, Florian & Brantner, Cornelia: Quality Press and Voter Turnout: Evidence for Causal Effects and Its Underlying Mechanisms

Arendt, Florian & Brantner, Cornelia: Toward an Implicit Cognition Account of Attribute Agenda Setting

Arendt, Florian & Matthes, Jörg: Nature Documentaries, Connectedness to Nature, and Proenvironmental Behavior

Arendt, Florian, Naderer, Brigitte, Abdollahi, Maral, Mittelberger, Andreas, Surzhyk, Olga, & Zhou, Lin: Food Choice in Children: Television Commercials and Fading Behavioral Effects

Baden, Christan & Stalpouskaya, Katya: Maintaining Frame Coherence Between Uncertain Information and Changing Agendas: The Evolving Framing of the Syrian Chemical Attacks in the U.S., British, and Russian News

Bartsch, Anne, Nitsch, Cordula, Scherr, Sebastian, & Oliver, Mary Beth: Eudaimonic Experiences as Predictors of Audience Interest in the Paralympics and Destigmatization of Persons With Disabilities

Baugut, Philip, Fawzi, Nayla, & Reinemann, Carsten: Investigating and Explaining Local Political Communication Cultures in a Comparative Analysis

Engelmann, Ines & Wendelin, Manuel: Comment Counts, News Factors, and Interest in Politics as Factors of Users' News Selection on News Websites

Fawzi, Nayla & Riesmeyer, Claudia: Media Literacy and Socialization Agents' Role During Adolescence and Early Adulthood

Fiedler, Anke & Meyen, Michael: The GDR's "Junge Welt": Mouthpiece of the Communist Youth, Propaganda Vehicle, and the Public's Favorite

Hanusch, Folker, Hanitzsch, Thomas, & Corinna Lauerer: "How Much Love Are You Going to Give This Brand?" Lifestyle Journalists on Commercial Influences in Their Work

Jungblut, Marc & Hoxha, Abit: Journalistic Self-Censorship in Postconflict Societies

Keppeler, Johanna, Krämer, Benjamin, & Müller, Philipp: Looking Left or Looking Right? Effects of Newspaper Layout on the Perception of Political News

Kloß, Andrea, Bartsch, Anne, & Kretzschmar, Sonja: How Personalized Prosocial Messages Can Promote Empathy, Attitude Change, and Helping Intentions Toward Stigmatized Social Groups

Koch, Thomas & Obermaier, Magdalena: Do You Say it Best, When You Say Nothing at All? Analyzing the Paradoxical Effects of Strong and Weak Arguments

Koch, Thomas & Obermaier, Magdalena: With Heart and (No) Mind? How Recipients Negatively Infer Missing Information About Politicians and How This Affects the Assessment of the Speaker

Krämer, Benjamin & Springer, Nina: Ontology of Opposition Online: Representing Antagonistic Structures in the World Wide Web

Krämer, Benjamin & Wallner, Cornelia: Constructing a Discourse About the Internet on the Internet: The Debate on ACTA and Copyright

Kümpel, Anna & Haas, Alexander: Framing, the Others, and Me: Effects of Media Frames on Perceptual Judgments

Loosen, Wiebke, Neuberger, Christoph, Langenohl, Susanne, & Nürnbergk, Christian: Which for What? Uses of Social Media in the View of Journalists and Audience Members

Mares, Marie-Louise, Bartsch, Anne, & Bonus, James Alex: When Meaning Matters More: Media Preferences Across the Adult Life-Span

Matthes, Jörg, Marquart, Franziska, Naderer, Brigitte, Arendt, Florian, Schmuck, Desiree, & Adam, Karoline: Questionable Research Practices in Experimental Communication Research: A Systematic Analysis From 1980 to 2013

Meyen, Michael & Fiedler, Anke: Letters to the Editor and the Public Sphere in the GDR

Müller, Philipp & Scherr, Sebastian: A Matter of Perspective? How Self-Distancing and Perspective-Taking Influence First- and Third-Person Perceptions

Nienierza, Angela, Reinemann, Carsten, & Zerback, Thomas: Ghost Light or Light House? Investigating Poll Reporting, Subjective Assessments, and Media Bias in Public Opinion Coverage in an Election Context

Nürnbergk, Christian, Neubarth, Julia, & Rossmann, Melanie: Why Tweeting About Politics? Influencing Factors on Twitter Use by Members of the German Bundestag

Odag, Özen, Hofer, Matthias, Schneider, Frank, Bartsch, Anne, & Katharina Knop: Testing Measurement Equivalence of Eudaimonic and Hedonic Entertainment Motivations in a Cross-Cultural Comparison

Peter, Christina: Social Comparison in Everyday Television Usage: The Role of Perceived Realism of Television Content

Peter, Christina & Koch, Thomas: Misremembering Corrected Misinformation: How Judgment-Formation Strategies Can Prevent Backfire Effects and Their Consequences for People's Attitudes

Reinemann, Carsten, Zerback, Thomas, & Van Aelst, Peter: Does the National Context Matter? Towards a Framework for Analyzing International Differences in Content Diversity

Riesmeyer, Claudia, Pfaff-Rüdiger, Senta, & Kümpel, Anna: The Difference Between Knowledge and Action. A Qualitative Media Literacy Typology

Rossmann, Constanze, Meyer, Lisa, & Schulz, Peter J.: The Mediated Amplification of a Crisis: Communicating A/H1N1 in European Press Releases and Press Coverage

Scherr, Sebastian & Müller, Philipp: I Shake My Head But They Will Nod: On the Relevance of Persuasion Knowledge and Reactance for Third-Person Perceptions

Sukalla, Freya, Bartsch, Anne, & Schnell, Cornelia: Time to Indulge in Feeling. The Influence of Narrative Pace on Empathy, Perceived Social Distance, and Intentions to Help Stigmatized Groups

Unkel, Julian & Haas, Alexander: The Effects of Credibility Cues on the Selection of Search Engine Results

Wendelin, Manuel, Engelmann, Ines, & Jandura, Olaf: Transparency of Audience Behavior and Co-Orientation in the News Selections of Internet Users

Wiedemann, Thomas & Meyen, Michael: Internationalization Through Americanization: The Expansion of the International Communication Association (ICA) to the World

"Top Faculty Paper" Award der Journalism Studies Division:

Hanusch, Folker, Hanitzsch, Thomas, & Corinna Lauerer: "How Much Love Are You Going to Give This Brand?" Lifestyle Journalists on Commercial Influences in Their Work

"Top Poster" der Mass Communication Division:

Müller, Philipp & Scherr, Sebastian: A Matter of Perspective? How Self-Distancing and Perspective-Taking Influences First- and Third-Person Perceptions

"Top Paper Award" der Communication History Division:

Meyen, Michael & Fiedler, Anke: Letters to the Editor and the Public Sphere in the GDR

"Top Paper Award" zur "Lifespan Communication Theme" der Tagung:

Mares, Marie-Louise, Bartsch, Anne, & Bonus, James Alex: When Meaning Matters More: Media Preferences Across the Adult Life-Span

"Top Faculty Paper Award":

Matthes, Jörg, Marquart, Franziska, Naderer, Brigitte, Arendt, Florian, Schmuck, Desiree, & Adam, Karoline: Questionable Research Practices in Experimental Communication Research: A Systematic Analysis From 1980 to 2013
