Publikationen April bis Juni 2022
IfKW Publikationen 2022, April bis Juni
Bowman, N. D., Rieger, D., & Lin, J. H. T. (2022). Social video gaming and well-being. Current Opinion in Psychology, 101316.
Brosius, H.-B., Haas, A., & Unkel, J. (2022). Methoden der empirischen Kommunikationsforschung. Eine Einführung. (8., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage). Springer VS Wiesbaden.
Maurer, M., Haßler, J., Kruschinski, S., & Jost, P. (2022). Looking over the channel: The balance of media coverage about the “refugee crisis” in Germany and the UK. Communications, 47(2), 219–240.
Rieger, D., Wulf, T., Riesmeyer, C., & Ruf, L. (2022). Interactive decision-making in entertainment movies: A mixed-methods approach. Psychology of Popular Media. Advance online publication.
Schmid, U. K., Rieger, D. & Frischlich, L. (2022). Posts, die brennen. Hate Speech als schädigende Online Kommunikation. Sprachgewalt. Der Deutschunterricht, 2/22, 70-80.
Schmid, U. K., Kümpel, A. S., & Rieger, D. (2022). How social media users perceive different forms of online hate speech: A qualitative multi-method study. New Media & Society.
Schulze, H., Hohner, J., Greipl, S., Girgnhuber, M., Desta, I., & Rieger, D. (2022). Far-right conspiracy groups on fringe platforms: a longitudinal analysis of radicalization dynamics on Telegram. Convergence, 13548565221104977.
Stehr, P., Reifegerste, D., Rossmann, C., Caspar, K., Schulze, A., & Lindemann, A.-K. (2022). Effective Communication with caregivers to prevent unintentional injuries in children under seven years. A systematic review. Patient Education & Counseling, 105(8), 2721-2730.
Dan, V. (2022). No change without some continuity: Evergreen health myths resurfacing during the COVID-19 pandemic and associated journalistic corrections. Studies in Communication Sciences (SComS).
Ren, C., & Dan, V. (2022). Frames and Journalistic Roles in Chinese Reporting on HIV: Insights from a Content Analysis and Qualitative Interviews Focused on Verbal and Visual Modalities. Journalism Studies. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2022.2084145
Thurman, N., Nalmpatian, A., & Obster, F. (2022). Lessons from France on the regulation of Internet pornography: How displacement effects, circumvention, and legislative scope may limit the efficacy of Article 23. Policy & Internet, 1– 21.
Wurst, A.-K., Fenoll, V., Haßler, J., Kruschinski, S., Magin, M., Rußmann, U., & Schlosser, K. (2022). Missed opportunity to connect with European citizens? Europarties’ communication on Facebook during the 2019 European election campaign. Studies in Communication Sciences, 22(1), 165–184.
Altmeppen, K. D., & Lauerer, C. (2022). Die unsichtbaren Geldverteiler*innen. Zur Verantwortung[slosigkeit] von Mediaplaner*innen. Thummes, K., Dudenhausen, A., & Röttger, U. (Hrsg.), Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Analysen zu Organisationen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Gemeinwohl und Partikularinteressen (S. 229-245). Wiesbaden: Springer.